(Order of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Thank you for your interest in joining our faith and our Church. Being Catholic is an adventure into reality and fullness that you will never regret!
The experience here at St. Lawrence is open to your questions and experience. You will hear from your peers their experience of living the Catholic faith. Of course, nothing thrills us more than adding members to our Catholic family, but we will never push you.
After your start in OCIA, we will get to know each other better and personalize your OCIA experience. OCIA meetings are almost every Tuesday during the school year from 6:00-7:00pm. You’re invited to bring a sponsor or companion, and to attend 5:15pm Mass before class to get a better feel for what Catholic believe. In OCIA meetings, we explore 24 different Catholic topics of interest, and of course, talk about what it’s like to be Catholic. We look forward to being a part of your journey.
Click HERE to join the OCIA!
Who’s eligible?
The St. Lawrence Center serves the KU community, so most people who come to us have some affiliation with KU. It’s not absolutely necessary, though. Let’s chat about where you are.
When can you become Catholic?
St. Lawrence baptizes adults each spring on the night before Easter, but we receive already baptized Christians into the Catholic faith throughout the year, at any of our Masses..Let’s Meet! (frluke@kucatholic.org)