There’s something for everyone - check out all the options below!

All Applications are Due on April 14, 2023


Advancement & Operations

Front Desk Hospitality

1-2 hrs / weekly

Need 10+ volunteers! Our job is to help anyone coming in our doors find their next step as they grow in relationship with Christ and connect them to our church. Anyone at our front desk is asked to fill at least an hour per week between the hours of 3pm - 9pm, where you work the front desk and be a warm and gentle presence for those entering our doors.


Liturgical Team


3-5 hrs / week

Sacristans prepare for the celebration of the Mass by setting the altar for the priest, organizing the worship space, and leading a team of liturgical ministers for each Sunday Mass. Sacristans must be baptized Catholics, or will soon enter the Catholic Church. A $500 stipend will be provided for each semester served.

Liturgical Minister

1 Sunday Mass every 2 weeks

Liturgical Ministers serve a variety of roles within the Mass including Ushers/Greeters, Altar Servers (men only), Readers, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Click on this image to learn more about each role.

Twenty people needed at various Sunday Masses


2 hr / weekly

The RCIA team will host and track the weekly meetings at 6:00pm on Tuesdays during KU semesters, serve as panelists, resources and small group leaders, and assist with the reception of sacraments of initiation. We will train you! Looking for 4 committed persons.


Music Team

Sacred Music Team

4-5 hrs / weekly

Sing with the Chapel Choir or play an instrument at the Mass to offer your gifts back to our Lord. Volunteer and stipend positions available!


RISE Worship Band

1-3 hrs / weekly

Help make RISE great by playing in the worship band. We need all types of musicians. Hope you apply.


Faith Formation Team


Academic Group Lead

3-5 hrs / week

Organize 5 big events to integrate faith and study—events are organized by academic major to integrate study at KU with faith at the St. Lawrence Center. Looking for committed pioneer spirits. A $500 stipend will be provided for each semester served.



LEAD TEAM - 10hrs / weekLEADS work alongside each other and the Campus Minister to manage and lead the teams of Good Company. They are expected to have a pulse of how their team is doing as a whole and as individuals in the areas of vulnerability, t…



LEADS are maturing disciples of Jesus committed to living the GoodCo. culture and mission both inside and outside of GoodCo. events.  Together they are committed to intentional community, spiritual growth, and apostolic mission: leading people to Jesus through authentic friendship and good conversation.



5-8hrs / week

The GoodCo Team is our boots on the ground.  Though all of GoodCo is responsible for spreading our mission and meeting new people, the team lives the GoodCo mission through tangible events and outreach.


MARKETING TEAM - 5-8hrs / weekThis is probably the most skill oriented team on GoodCo, which means, if you don’t know photography, videography, graphic design, website design, may want to pass on this team!This team is a team of hi…


5-8hrs / week

GoodCo Interns are Leads that take on additional logistical, administrative, and planning tasks so others can focus on relationships. These are the most skills-oriented positions within GoodCo.  Each GoodCo Intern is responsible for managing a critical piece of GoodCo’s ministry.





2-3 HRS / WEEK

This intern position aids in creating a culture of encounter with Jesus Christ and His Church as well as intentional relationships at the St. Lawrence Center. This position will create and provide a hospitable encounter in the Center for current KU students who are new to the Center and prospective/incoming students. Much of this role will act as an assistant to the New Student Director to aid in logistical, administrative, and planning tasks. A $500 stipend will be provided for each semester served.



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