On Morality

The St. Lawrence Center, as the Catholic Church at the University of Kansas, is committed to the truth of the following moral principles, and asks for respect for the responsibility to propose these truths in charity as part of its mission.

  1. A unique and unrepeatable human life with a sacred dignity that is to be protected without exception, exists from the moment of conception to natural death. Catechism of the Catholic Church 2258

  2. Sexual expression between human persons fulfills its purpose when shared between a man and woman promised in a marriage that is naturally open to a family. Catechism of the Catholic Church 2337

  3. Human nature is received as an intrinsic and simultaneous unity of body and soul. Catechism of the Catholic Church 365

St. Lawrence accepts that many at KU will disagree with this morality that the Church finds to be life-giving.  All persons who engage with St. Lawrence are to be reverenced and received.  St. Lawrence is eager for a respectful and exploration of the meaning of life with all at KU!

Fr. Mitchel Zimmerman