Jordan Gilliand

Year: Senior
Major: Exercise Science- Pre PA

Tell me a little bit about how you found out about SLC?
I found out about SLC through the church. I came every Sunday during my Freshman and Sophomore year. But I got involved at the Center by getting connected with the FOCUS missionaries. Emily and John Michael Lucido kind of introduced me more to it, and I wasn’t super involved until my junior year.

How has the St. Lawrence Center impacted your college experience?
It has impacted a lot of areas but it has really impacted my faith life. It has impacted my decision making, my prayer life, I now have a daily prayer life and I never did before, and has helped me get through all of the college challenges.

What do you love about having FOCUS Missionaries at KU and what does that mean to you?
It means everything to me, Emily started walking me my sophomore year of college and changed my life and now Sarah disciples me. Just going from both of them I now have two extremely beautiful witnesses and role models of Christ in my life. They have completely invited me into their lives and it has changed everything. They inspire me how to live beautifully and their lives have so much meaning. I would not be anywhere close to the person I am now without them.

How will you take everything you’ve learned at St. Lawrence and carry it into your post-college life?
As of right now, my plans are to go to PA school. I want to start a bible study and invest in others the way I have been invested in. I want to invite people into deeper relationships and inspire them to live faithfully. I have the desire to do that at school and with other friends outside of that.

What else would you want people to know about your time at SLC?
I love St. Lawrence! It is a place full of good community, friendship, and pure joy. I am always happy when I am here and I am very thankful for such a welcoming place where I can grow deeper with other students.

Molly McKeithan