Meg Thompson


Current City: Leawood, KS
Year Graduated: 2021
Major: Nursing
Job: Neonatal ICU nurse

Tell us your story: I'm a Kansas native and lifelong fan of KU - Rock Chalk! Before deciding on KU, I was between KU and a couple of small Catholic colleges. I felt called to attend KU, and thank goodness for the St. Lawrence Center. It provided me with a sense of belonging in a large, often challenging environment. It gave me access to a community, faith, fellowship, the Sacraments, education, and more. I benefited from my friendship with FOCUS missionaries. I  joined and eventually led my first bible study during my time at KU. I studied abroad and then moved to KC for nursing school, but I still visited the St. Lawrence Center often and even had the pleasure of joining Samuel Group. I am totally indebted to this wonderful community!

Share your favorite memory of St. Lawrence: There are so many memories to choose from, but one of my favorite memories of St. Lawrence was spontaneously taking a road trip to the Newman Center at (forgive me) Mizzou with my friend and FOCUS missionary, Stephanie, and my friend, Frances. It was a spur of the moment and hilariously fun. I also have to mention the powerful nights of prayer at Adoration at the SLC. I was moved during the periods of silence and during the praise and worship songs. 

How are you living differently because of St. Lawrence?: Where to begin?! I relish in my identity as a daughter of God, I benefited from spiritual direction with Sister Elena, I enjoyed friendships made through the SLC, I have a deeper understanding of my faith, I have been taught ways to come to love/know/serve God (and am still learning!), and I have tools to discern God's will for my life. I also lead a bible study in Kansas City now with a group of young women, and it all started because I was invited to join a bible study through the SLC 5 years ago as a freshman. Thank you, SLC!

How have you grown in interior freedom?: Interior freedom has been a huge place of growth for me, especially during this past year when I was in Samuel Group and discerning many things (relationships, where to live, what job to take, etc.). Interior freedom for me has been an increase in abandonment: holding on more tightly to God's will for my life and letting go of mine. He loves me, so whatever He wants for me is what I want for myself (even if I don't feel like I want it!). God had so many gifts waiting for me once I surrendered control and adopted the words of Jesus: "Yet not my will, but Yours be done." I am still working on this every day, but I owe much of my growth to SLC. 

Molly McKeithan