Annie Gardner


Year Graduated: 2018
Current City: Houston, TX
Job: Flight Controller for the International Space Station at NASA’s Johnson Space Center

What are you up to these days?
I moved to Houston, TX after graduation to work as a Flight Controller for the International Space Station at NASA's Johnson Space Center! I have been so blessed to get my dream job out of college, and God has certainly been taking me for a ride through it. Outside of work I have been doing a lot of cooking, reading, singing in the choir at my parish, and trying to get involved in the Catholic community here in Texas.

What were you involved in at St. Lawrence?
I was involved with almost every aspect of St. Lawrence in my five years there. My favorite things were classes at the IFC and being spirituality coordinator for Koinonia. I would mostly just hang around the center and hope people would also be avoiding homework, so there were always shenanigans going on.

How do you live the theme “be not afraid” in your life?
I know it seems obvious, but being an adult is very different from being in college. Making friends, especially ones who are serious about holiness, is pretty hard. I am a naturally extroverted person, but I have found myself more hesitant than ever before to talk to people and pursue friendships. Because of that, God has been saying "be not afraid" to accept what I need from him, especially if it requires some action on my part. Maybe it's as small as asking someone to get coffee or as long term as finding a good spiritual director, but either way, God will not be outdone in generosity. God called me to this new place in this new job for my particular holiness and vocation, so who am I to pine after what I think is best for me? It's been a real test of trust, but one that is making me grow more and more into who God created me to be.

How do you recommend others live the theme of “be not afraid”?
I firmly believe that holiness is forged through prayer and friendship. Therefore, those must be our priorities. The problem is, everything else on the planet is demanding to be above those things. So don't be afraid to accept what you need from God. Get a spiritual director (this was the single best thing I did in college, I'm serious), spend time in Adoration, get coffee with people you want to be friends with, get enough sleep, etc. Return to your schedule and what you spend on frequently and ask, is this making me a saint? If it isn't, change it! Be not afraid to be holy, unique, and wonderful.

Molly McKeithan