Adam Hauser

Adam is pictured here with his wife, Kimberly, and his two sons. He lives in Dallas, Texas.

Adam is pictured here with his wife, Kimberly, and his two sons. He lives in Dallas, Texas.

What are you up to these days? 
I am a Husband & Father now in Dallas, TX. I have 4 kids: Nicholas (5), Matthew (3), Rachel, and William, the last two of whom are now in heaven.  I am in my 11th year of teaching high school English.  Currently, I am an English Teacher (campus minister & coach) at Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas.

What were you involved in at St. Lawrence? 
Koinonia, Sunday night classes with the School of Faith, spiritual direction with the Apostles of the Interior Life, March for Life, EMHC, lector, sacristan

What would your life without St. Lawrence look like?
I wouldn’t have my wife and kids today if it wasn’t for St. Lawrence.  My wife and I met during our graduate school years in TX because of the Apostles of the Interior Life.  

I also wouldn’t be a Catholic high school english teacher if it wasn’t for the formation and friendships I formed at St. Lawrence.  It is largely the conversations with Fr. Steve Beseau, about the future founding of the Institute for Faith & Culture that inspired me to keep going as an English major, particularly looking for a situation where I could teach the classics, like I do at JC Prep. 

My life without St. Lawrence would be much like the famous Christmas film, “It’s a Wonderful Life”, where George Bailey is shown his life if “he had never been born”.  Without his presence, everyone and everything he once knew in Bedford Falls had no meaning at all.  Without St. Lawrence, the many things and people I once knew would have little influence or relevance in my life today.  St. Lawrence is largely responsible for the “beautiful life” I now have.  There are always difficulties in every life, for sure, but mine are full of peace because of what St. Lawrence taught me.

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