Andrew Wagner

Hometown, State: Overland Park, Kansas

What would life at KU look like without St. Lawrence?: I couldn’t image what my life would look like without the St. Lawrence Center. Since day one of my freshman year this place has been a second home to me and has fostered my best friendships. My first time stepping foot in the chapel I had an overwhelming sense that this place would be my second home, and it was. Without the Saint Lawrence Center I would have spent my college career trying to find something that fulfilled me and never finding it. I would always be longing for the next best thing, instead of relying on God and the plan He has for my life.

What is the biggest risk of faith you took at KU?: The biggest risk of my faith I took in college was starting a bible study in my fraternity. I received backlash from other members and was questioned about my faith and the faith in general. At times I felt like I was ill prepared by the questions others gave me, but felt God calling me to this opportunity. This was a very transformational time in my faith which allowed me to be more confident in spreading the word with others, be open about my experiences and to grow in relationship with others. Despite all the challenges, questions and feeling unworthy, God used this experience to help strengthen my faith and trust in Him.

How would you describe your experience of community at St. Lawrence?: The community at the Saint Lawrence Center is incomparable to any other community on campus. I experienced and encountered others who were genuinely interested in talking with me and going deeper than the typical surface level questions and answers most college students give. This community helped me to want to make deeper connections with others and make the effort to get to know them for who they are. It’s also a community that has always been there during the joyful and sad moments throughout my college career. It’s a community I knew I can count on and one that made me feel comfortable for being me.

How are you called to build community after college?: What I feel I am being called to is meeting people where they are at. I can’t build community with others unless I first know who I am and then take the time to know who others are. I know my calling will include my passion for meeting new people and hearing their stories. I feel that engaging with others and having an interest in them is a small, yet power way that I will build community after graduating.

Other thoughts you'd like to leave us with?: The Saint Lawrence Center was a place that felt like home whenever I walked into the chapel. It saw me on my best and worsts days, and with my highs and lows throughout my college career. It was a place I felt invited to try new opportunities at because of the people. The people who show up here show a level of care for every person that walks through those doors. I am truly going to miss this place and the person that it has helped me become over these past few years. My journey isn't over, but just beginning. Thank you for everything!

Molly McKeithan