Ellen O'Gorman

Hometown, State: Lincoln, Nebraska

What would life at KU look like without St. Lawrence?: My life without St. Lawrence would be boring and lonely and I would most likely be settling to live a mediocre life. I would not have met some of my best friends. I would most definitely not be in love with Jesus Christ and be willing to lay down my life for Him and His Church.

Who has been one of your greatest guides at St. Lawrence? How did they guide you?: Jessica Little is one of my greatest guides and greatest friends. She was a FOCUS missionary during 2018-2020 at St. Lawrence. Jessica's pursuit of holiness is something I had never seen before. The way she lives in freedom and detachment of the world and its opinion is so captivating. She challenged me back then and continues to do the same today. Through her friendship, she brought me straight to the foot of the cross and showed me first hand how to refuse Jesus nothing.

How have you grown in interior freedom?: By praying everyday, I have been able to truly know and believe that I am a beloved daughter of God. I do not have to prove to others (or mostly myself) that I am intelligent, funny, cool, witty, beautiful, holy, etc. I am who God made me to be and I am very good :-) I have come to believe that I have a witness to Jesus that is particular to me. People are missing out on a piece of God if I keep my testimony of God's love and cross within my life to myself.

Where do your deepest commitments lie at this point in your life?: My deepest commitments at this point in my life are praying daily (in front of the Eucharist if i can) and attending mass daily. If we truly believe that Jesus Christ is present in the Eucharist then why isn't our entire day ordered around that? The Lord so desperately wants to spend one-on-one time with me everyday for the rest of my life, how crazy awesome is that?? At this point, my day is ordered around my daily prayer and daily mass and I wouldn't want it any other way. This deep commitment will not only continue to change my life but change my future, who I marry (God-willing, am i right??), how I raise my children, and the lives of the people around me.

Other thoughts you'd like to leave us with?: I just want to give a huge thank you to everyone at the St. Lawrence Center. I have had an incredible college experience and I owe a lot of that to you all!

Molly McKeithan