Hanna Funk

Hometown, State: Topeka, Kansas

What would life at KU look like without St. Lawrence?: The St. Lawrence center is where I made most of my first friends at KU and several of those friendships are still alive today. I am forever grateful to the St. Lawrence center for giving me a home away from home and introducing me to such amazing friends!

How would you describe your experience of community at St. Lawrence?: The St. Lawrence center was one of the first communities I threw myself into at KU and I was welcomed with open arms. I always felt like my presence was valued and appreciated, even if I did not know anyone there. The people at the St. Lawrence Center made an obvious effort to check in with me, support me, and encourage me in my endeavors.

How are you called to build community after college?: To me, building community means making people feel loved and valued. Building community is especially important in my career field as all students deserve to feel like part of a community at school. I will work hard to make sure each and every student knows that they are cherished and that their well-being is important to me. Promoting confidence, feelings of security, and a sense of community is my calling and I am excited to spread love to all those I have yet to meet.

How have you grown in interior freedom?: Throughout my college years, I have watched myself grow from a self-conscious girl who cares very much about how the world sees her into a confident, secure woman who is sure and proud of her values and makes decisions based on those values rather than the opinions of others. I believe in the importance of being open-minded and willing to take advice from others while still staying true to your core values because, at the end of the day, you know in your heart what is good and true. I have learned that no one can please everyone, so it is only my responsibility to make God and myself proud.

Molly McKeithan