Jen Mahr


Current City: Nashville, TN
Year Graduated: 2018
Major: Psychology
Job: FOCUS Missionary

Tell us your story:
When I was a junior in college, I deeply encountered the love of Jesus through friendship with a FOCUS Missionary. I was blown away by her radiating joy and knew I wanted to befriend her. At the time, I did not know my worth or that there was more to life than "the typical college experience." Through Bible study, faith-filled friendships, and going back to the sacraments I came to know my identity as the Beloved and came to realize that I was loved, enough, and worthy. When I was a senior, my missionary encouraged me to apply for FOCUS and I at first thought she was crazy for asking me because "surely someone else would be better." At the interview weekend, I heard the Lord ask me to be His missionary and to come with Him and this has changed my life into one that is surrendered to the Lord and His will for me. I have learned so much about myself in the past three years and can confidently say I am a better person because I know Jesus Christ.

Share your favorite memory of St. Lawrence:
Every Tuesday night I led a Bible study with 8 women from my sorority in the FOCUS office and it was always a blast. My personal favorite Bible study was when we did Ignatian with Mark 4:35-41 and really opened up to one another about the storms in our own lives.

How are you living differently because of St. Lawrence?:
The St. Lawrence Center and the people in the community taught me that there is more to life. I was shown through friendship that Jesus can be the center of my life and He will always show up for me. I know for myself, I have grown a ton in being able to trust that the Lord has goodness in store for me and my life and the people at the SLC affirmed that day in and day out with their words and witness.

How have you grown in interior freedom?
Surrendering my heart to the Lord has only brought good things in my life: healing, freedom, and security. I recently read the book Interior Freedom by Father Jacque Philippe and I was reminded of the importance of asking for the virtues of faith, hope, and charity because in doing so it allows God to do the heavy lifting in my life. I have been learning how to give hope again and in prayer, Jesus reminds me that He loves me, He is fighting for me and I am not forgotten.

Molly McKeithan