Lindsey Morin

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Hometown: Long Beach, California

Ministries involved with at St. Lawrence: : Institute for Faith and Culture & Koinonia Team

What would life at KU look like without St. Lawrence?: My life at KU truly would be dull without St. Lawrence. My freshman and sophomore year I wasn't super involved at the center, I would go to Sunday Mass and that was pretty much it. My junior year I dove straight into the deep end and immediately got more involved at St. Lawrence. I had been looking for this community that would accept me for everything that I am, and that surely was St. Lawrence. I have met some of my closest friends at the center and I find myself longing to be there to study or just hangout because I know I will always see someone I know or even meet someone new! St. Lawrence has opened my eyes to so many things that I did not previously see during my first few years at KU and they truly have given me a sense of a home away from home.

What is the biggest risk of faith you have taken lately? : The biggest risk of faith I have taken lately would be inviting my close friends to mass with me on Sundays at 5 pm and watching the RISE livestream together. Several of my friends are Christian and Catholic but do not really practice their faith. I have invited them to RISE in the past year and Mass but this semester I made it a goal of mine to make sure to invite at least 1 or 2 people each time. During times like these during COVID we may feel like we are losing our sense of community, so I am hopeful that my invitation may help provide that to them.

Describe community. : I would define community as a space where a person feels like they are welcomed and can be their true self. The community at St. Lawrence is heartwarming and inviting, and it truly lives up to my definition of community. As a member of the St. Lawrence community, I live the word out by inviting friends and family to come to Mass, Supper Chill, Sunday Night Skits, and Slow Drip. I want to show them how inviting the center is and how we accept everyone. I have never felt out of place at St. Lawrence and always feel at home whenever I am there.

Where do your deepest commitments lie? : My deepest commitments lie within the desires of my heart. My top priorities are always my family, friends, faith, and education. I put my heart and soul into all four of those things and try to achieve the best that I can every day with those aspects of my life. I commit a majority of my time and energy to being the best student, daughter, friend, and daughter of God that I absolutely can be.

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