10/27/19 Does God hear you?
I believe God hears my prayer and he knows everything about my interior world, even when I am not praying. But does he hear me in more than a “duly-noted” sense? Or, to put a finer point on it, does he care? That’s the deeper issue the question raises for me. My answer?
At a personal, every-day level, honestly, it seems God cares little for my hurts, desires, and aspirations. The message seems to be “Hmm, hmm, yes…well, keep going and conform yourself to my Son. All will be well.” Certainly true, and helpful enough, but a little distant. However, as I look back on things, I see that God was listening very carefully, proving this adage true, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will fulfill the desires of your heart.” (Ps. 37:4)
I am a composer, and just recently, hosted a concert to demonstrate the full spectrum of my music. The Ballade concert was beautiful; it fulfilled my desire but also did so much more through the preview events with young people, new classical music friends, and many opportunities to bear witness to Jesus, the One through Whom the universe was made and the Font of all beauty. So, God was glorified and everybody won!
Brian Nelson, SLC Staff